En av Sveriges största sajter om film.

Grundad 2002

Genre - Dokumentär


Titel  År
We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks (2013)0-
We Stand Alone Together (2001)14,0
We Feed the World (2005)23,5
Way We Get By, The (2009)0-
Warriors of Beauty, The (2003)0-
War Tapes, The (2006)0-
War Dance (2007)0-
War Comes to America (1945)0-
Walt: The Man Behind the Myth (2001)0-
Walking on Dead Fish (2008)0-
Waiting for Superman (2010)12,0
von Trier sätter krokben (2003)13,0
Vodkafabriken (2010)13,0
Vive la France (2014)0-
Viva Zapatero! (2005)0-
Virunga (2014)24,0
Vinterboj (2015)0-
Viljans triumf (1935)43,5
Vietnam - grisens år (1968)0-
Videocracy (2009)23,0
Video Games: The Movie (2014)13,0
Victory Through Air Power (1943)0-
Vi bara drömde (2005)0-
Vem mördade Kurt Cobain? (1998)72,6
Vårt dagliga bröd (2005)23,5
Världens vackraste pojke (2021)14,0
Världens säkraste kärnkraftverk (2013)0-
Världens modigaste flickor (2018)14,0
Värld utan sol (1964)14,0
Vara Michael Madsen (2007)0-
Valentino: The Last Emperor (2008)0-
Våga minnas (2012)0-
Utan min dotter (2002)0-
Up the Yangtze (2007)0-
Unknown Known, The (2013)0-
United States of Afghanistan (2004)0-
Underkastelsen (2010)0-
Undergångens arkitektur (1989)0-
Under stjärnorna (2004)33,3
Unacknowledged (2017)13,0
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