En av Sveriges största sajter om film.

Grundad 2002

Bokstav: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Å Ä Ö

Titel  År
Warm Bodies (2013)253,4
Wallander - Den orolige mannen (2013)93,0
Wolverine, The (2013)203,3
White House Down (2013)153,4
Welcome to the Punch (2013)33,0
What If (2013)63,0
Way, Way Back, The (2013)113,6
Walking with Dinosaurs 3D (2013)33,3
Wallander - Sveket (2013)103,0
Wallander - Saknaden (2013)83,1
Wallander - Sorgfågeln (2013)83,1
Winter's Tale (2013)73,1
Wounded (2013)22,0
Wer (2013)12,0
Walking with the Enemy (2013)0-
Walesa (2013)0-
Words and Pictures (2013)23,5
White Night (2012)0-
Would You Rather (2012)62,7
Warning, The (2012)0-
Why Stop Now (2012)0-
West of Memphis (2012)23,0
What Maisie Knew (2012)83,8
Werewolf: The Beast Among Us (2012)42,5
Wrong Turn 5 (2012)31,7
We and the I, The (2012)13,0
Words, The (2012)53,0
Wedding Video, The (2012)0-
Wrong (2012)0-
Woody Allen: A Documentary (2012)43,5
Woman in Black, The (2012)323,4
Wanderlust (2012)102,1
W.E. (2012)0-
What to Expect (2012)172,7
Wrath of the Titans (2012)182,3
Wrecked (2011)22,5
Water for Elephants (2011)423,6
Warrior (2011)263,7
William & Kate (2011)13,0
Ward, The (2011)142,5
World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles (2011)242,5
Woman in the Fifth, The (2011)0-
Warrior's Heart, A (2011)13,0
Weekend (2011)53,4
Wuthering Heights (2011)32,3
Win Win (2011)52,8
White Vengeance (2011)0-
What's Your Number (2011)132,6
Wrong Turn 4 (2011)32,0
War Horse (2011)163,2

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