Titel År | Antal | Betyg |
 |  |  |
Back to School (1986) | 9 | 2,44 |
Betsys bröllop (1990) | 0 | - |
Blodshämnd (1989) | 1 | 1,00 |
Carlito's Way - Rise to Power (2005) | 7 | 2,00 |
Den blodiga stranden (1981) | 4 | 1,50 |
Den stora stöten (1984) | 1 | 3,00 |
Den våldsamma polisjakten (1975) | 0 | - |
Excessive Force (1993) | 2 | 2,50 |
Firehouse (1997) | 0 | - |
Going Overboard (1989) | 0 | - |
Hack! (2007) | 2 | 2,00 |
Huset som Gud glömde 2 (1982) | 18 | 2,67 |
Killer elite - Mördargänget (1975) | 3 | 3,00 |
Kiss the Bride (2002) | 5 | 2,40 |
Knockoutbrudarna (1981) | 0 | - |
Konvoj (1978) | 16 | 2,75 |
Land of Plenty (2004) | 2 | 2,50 |
Mickey Blue Eyes (1999) | 47 | 2,91 |
New York, I Love You (2008) | 22 | 2,41 |
Once Upon a Time in America (1984) | 67 | 3,87 |
Pluto Nash (2002) | 24 | 2,08 |
Red Blooded 2 (1995) | 1 | 1,00 |
Rocky (1976) | 219 | 3,61 |
Rocky Balboa (2006) | 97 | 3,06 |
Rocky II (1979) | 114 | 3,45 |
Rocky III (1982) | 111 | 3,17 |
Rocky IV (1985) | 127 | 3,28 |
Rocky V (1990) | 85 | 2,51 |
She's So Lovely (1997) | 21 | 3,29 |
Shut Up and Kiss Me! (2004) | 3 | 2,67 |
Slutstation Brooklyn (1989) | 4 | 3,50 |
Table One (2000) | 1 | 2,00 |
Tashunga (1995) | 1 | 3,00 |
Transamerica (2005) | 49 | 3,55 |
Vänner för livet (1985) | 1 | 3,00 |
Win Win (2011) | 5 | 2,80 |